It’s time to get out of dodge for Francesca Cwynar and her husband. They are on their way up to the Poconos for some much-needed rest and relaxation during the Christmas break. For the trip, Francesca has packed the Christmas break essentials: The Food Network Magazine holiday edition for all of her cookie-baking needs, her Nikon camera to snap memories of their road trip, and of course, the keys to the cottage. Wouldn’t want to forget those!
From Left to Right: Anthropologie scarf, Nikon D3200, Vinrella umbrella, Vera Bradley backpack, Burt’s Bees chapstick, Pirate’s Booty, Food Network Magazine, Garnier BB cream, Covergirl compact, Georgetown University Nike hat, Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, Jeep keys, Kate Spade cat keychain.

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Who is Bullfrog + Baum?
Hospitality is everywhere™
We still find hospitality in the usual places—hotels, restaurants, and bars—but we also find it in places that others never think to look. The lines are blurring, and we see facets of hospitality where they never existed before. At Bullfrog + Baum, we set out every day to connect people to all the things that make life friendlier, warmer, and more welcoming wherever they are. And wherever they’re going to turn up next.
From drumbeat PR to blow-out event planning to comprehensive marketing strategies, we apply a one-of-a-kind energy, expertise, and experience to every project we undertake for every client we serve.
Change: Embrace it. Exploit It. Enjoy it.
One thing we’ve noticed since we got started in this business: like it or not, change is going to happen. So you might as well latch on to it, harness its energy, help create more of it and, ultimately, benefit from it. At Bullfrog + Baum, we do that for our clients and ourselves every day.
Our Team
Experienced sages. Curious youths. Instinctual creatives.
Brand-builders, insight-finders, and story-disseminators by nature, we are inquisitive about the world, about people and about what makes communications tick. Convivial strivers, supportive collaborators and the comfortably geeky should feel right at home.